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All students belong in North Clackamas Schools- regardless of color, race, ethnicity, language, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, or economic status- EVERYONE BELONGS.
During the 2021-2022 school year, North Clackamas Schools- with participation of staff, educators, and community stakeholders- created the District’s comprehensive 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. This student-centered, equity-based guiding document provides a districtwide roadmap and plan for staff and students as we navigate an ever-changing educational environment.
If you have students in school, you’ve probably heard your share of school-related acronyms, including I-E-P. An Individualized Education Plan serves as a vital connection between schools and families with students who need a little extra help with academics or behavior. But what exactly is an IEP, and how does the legal document help foster a trusting bond between families and school personnel? In this episode, meet NCSD parents Colleen Sackos and Sean Kriloff, who each have kids receiving Special Education services in different NCSD schools, and share their emotional story of how an IEP helps give their students an extra boost, and their families extra comfort.
Episode 44 - Students With IEPs: Inspirational Exceptional Parents
The sounds echoing throughout Rowe Middle School's hallways during this past July might've caught visitors a little off guard. What would normally be a silent summertime kitchen was actually brimming with students noisily clanging bowls and measuring cups. The stage area, usually vacant and reserved for a deep scrubbing once the school year ends, suddenly became a lively spot for student drum and electric guitar solos, and even fancy DJ equipment.
When Jake Lee asked his kindergarten students at Scouters Mountain Elementary about ways they could spread kindness throughout local neighborhoods, all 24 of his enthusiastic five- and six-year-olds immediately signed up. And by “signing up,” that meant putting motivational signs up at landmarks all over the Scouters Mountain and Happy Valley area, including walking trails, parks, and even the local library. See how the kindness is spreading beyond the classroom and throughout the community.
Why did three enthusiastic team members from the Clackamas Trader Joe’s recently pay a very special visit to a Mt. Scott Elementary classroom? It turns out they received a unique request in a persuasive letter written by third grader Xander Sievers, then responded in a way students in teacher Liz Maxwell’s classroom won’t soon forget! In this episode, learn why Xander’s letter now proudly hangs on display at the grocery store, and how NCSD’s focus on elementary writing skills is resulting in more students excited about putting pencil to paper, and more teachers excited to teach the power of persuasion!
When thinking about famous Tigers, some might think about an icon in professional golf…or the Grrrrrreat spokesperson of a favorite breakfast cereal…but did you know that NCSD has its own team of Tigers roaring past all competition in the annual Oregon Battle of the Books? Spring Mountain Elementary’s Midnight Tigers are a gifted group of five fabulous fifth graders who recently outperformed schools from all across the region in the fast-paced question-and-answer reading comprehension challenge, advancing all the way to the state finals! In this episode, we learn how “The Midnight Tigers” challenged themselves chapter by chapter in 16 different books to become the only NCSD team…and the first ever from Spring Mountain…to earn statewide recognition as page-turning prodigies!
Episode 42 - Spring Mountain's "Midnight Tigers" Earn Their Stripes
All in one day, more than 1,400 NCSD high school juniors boarded busses for a field trip to downtown Portland’s Convention Center to participate in the Northwest Youth Careers Expo…and this episode of the “Proud To Be NCSD” podcast follows them from start to finish! As you’ll hear, this was certainly not “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off!” Students from Milwaukie, Rex Putnam, Clackamas, Adrienne C. Nelson, Clackamas Web Academy, Clackamas Middle College, and the Virtual Online Program spent hours learning about potential careers, building their resumes, and participating in mock job interviews.
Since launching nearly two years ago, we've featured some very special guests…from NCSD’s Superintendent to extraordinary teachers and students who have captivated us with amazing stories from their school communities. This week, we take a very unique approach to celebrate the podcast’s 40th episode...as three students from the Rowe Middle School Podcast Network (8th graders Jose-Angel Barraza, Kenadi Hammond, and Hayden Moreland) take over as hosts and interview Mr. Long before he gets a chance to interview them. They uncover little-known facts about Mr. Long, then explain the ups and downs of middle school life as high school quickly approaches.
Where else can you come face-to-face with a 3-day-old sheep, pet the soft fur of a llama, and meet a duck with a comb over? President's Day was also Red Bard Baby Day at the Sabin-Schellenberg Center's Land Lab! We tag along with the hundreds of community members who came to visit the amazing animals at this annual favorite event, while learning from NCSD Agriculture students helping raise the furry and feathered friends as part of their Land Lab coursework!
When our students face changes and challenges both inside and outside school walls, where can they turn to confess their concerns, discuss their doubts, and shout out their successes? NCSD school counselors are always there to make sure ALL students feel seen, supported, and most importantly, celebrated for who they are. In this episode, it’s a conversation full of compassion as we’re joined by a school counselor from each level: Clackamas High School’s Laura Nelson, Alder Creek Middle School’s Stephanie Atkinson, and Scouters Mountain Elementary’s Jessica Winfrey. Together, they explain how they help meet student and family needs by lending advice, a helping hand, or sometimes, simply a listening ear.
Although January is Oregon School Board Recognition Month, a certain ice storm put the freeze on our first try at coordinating calendars to record this appreciative podcast. Now that the ice has melted away, we’ve made a new motion to honor the seven superheroes who tirelessly volunteer on our NCSD Board. In this episode of the Proud To Be NCSD Podcast, get to know two of our newest Directors, April Dobson and Paul Kemp, as we call to order topics ranging from why they chose to run for such an important role…to the unfinished business they continually advocate for on behalf of all North Clackamas students and families.