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Complaint Procedure

Public Complaint Policies and Forms

The district will implement effective means of resolving concerns voiced by employees, students, parents and the public in order to reduce potential areas of complaints, and to establish and maintain recognized channels of communication.

A complaint is a concern, problem or difficulty related to district educational process, services, personnel and/or operational actions and/or decisions presented to the district by an employee, student, parent or member of the public. 

A complainant must file a complaint within the later of either time limit set below, in accordance with state law:

Within two years after the alleged violation or unlawful incident occurred or the complainant discovered the alleged violation or unlawful incident.  For incidents that are continuing in nature, the time limitation must run from the date of the most recent incident; or Within one year after the affected student has graduated from, moved away from or otherwise left the district.

An individual properly presenting a concern or complaint shall be assured the opportunity for an orderly and timely review of the concern or complaint without reprisal.

Although no community member will be denied the right to petition the Board for redress of a complaint, complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board.  Complaints that concern Board actions or Board operations shall be presented to the superintendent.  Complaints that concern employees must be processed according to any applicable agreement between the district and either employee association.

Board members shall refer the public to the proper channel of communication for complaints involving instruction, discipline, learning materials, and/or services such as transportation, food service, etc.  Any complaint about school personnel that cannot be resolved informally between the complainant and the district employee shall be submitted in writing to the employee’s supervisor and will be investigated by the administration before consideration and action by the Board.

Complaints will be handled and resolved as close to their origin as possible.

The Board will not hear complaints against employees in open session unless an employee requests an open session.

The proper channeling of complaints regarding athletic issues is as follows:

  • Coach/Head coach (as appropriate);
  • Athletic director;
  • Principal.

Any complaint regarding athletics must follow the established channel of communication for complaints and will be resolved at the school level.  Decisions regarding athletic complaints will be made by the principal. 

While speakers may offer objective criticism of operations and programs, the Board will not hear personal complaints concerning district personnel nor against any person connected with the school system.  To do so could expose the Board to a charge of being party to slander and would prejudice any necessity to act as the final review of administrative recommendations regarding the matter.  The Board chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.