When Students Should Stay Home from School
Please keep students with symptoms out of school
This list is school instructions, not medical advice. Please contact your healthcare provider with health concerns.
The list below tells the shortest time to stay home. A person may need to stay home longer for some illnesses.
Printable information from the Oregon Health Authority
Symptom/The Student May Return After
- Fever temperature of 100.4°F or greater
- New cough illness
- New difficulty breathing
- Diarrhea: 3 loose or watery stools in a day OR not able to control bowel movements
- Vomiting: one or more episode that is unexplained
- Headache with stiff neck and fever
- Skin rash or open sores
- Red eyes with colored drainage
- Jaundice: new yellow color in eyes or skin
- Acting differently without a reason
- Major health event