Student Funds Reimbursement
Student Body Fund Payments
The check request process should be used for any payments to students/parents/guardians. This includes parents purchasing food or supplies for sports teams, mileage reimbursement for homeless students, and lunch money reimbursements, etc.
When students/parents/guardians and vendors need to be paid out of student body funds, please:
1. Complete the NCSD Check Request Form to include your supervisor's signature.
2. If the vendor/student/parent/guardian is not a vendor in iVisions, please email NCSD Purchasing ( the Vendor Information Form.
3. Email Dawna Burke ( the Check Request Form for her approval. Dawna will return the approval via email. If you have multiple payees, it is fine to send a spreadsheet capturing the information in the Check Request Form.
4. Scan all documents (Check Request Form, payment backup, Dawna's approval email) and email to Please batch so that Accounts Payable receives one email per payee.