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Public Records Request

For student education records, please contact the school last attended. A directory of schools can be found under "Schools" TAB on the District's main webpage. For personnel records, please contact Human Resources at (503) 363-6000.

As a public agency, North Clackamas School District (NCSD) is committed to its obligation to make records available to the public, as required by State law (Chapter 192 of the Oregon Revised Statutes). 

Please click on the links below to view our Public Records Request Process and Public Record Request Form.

Como agencia pública, el Distrito Escolar North Clackamas (NCSD) está comprometido con su obligación de tener los registros a disposición del público, como lo exige la ley estatal (Capítulo 192 de los Estatutos Revisados de Oregón).

Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para ver nuestro Proceso de solicitud de registros públicos y el Formulario de solicitud de registros públicos.

Являясь государственным учреждением, школьный округ North Clackamas (NCSD) привержен своему обязательству сделать общественные архивы доступными для населения, согласно закону штата (Chapter 192 of the Oregon Revised Statutes). 

Пожалуйста, перейдите по нижеуказанным ссылкам, чтобы ознакомиться с процессом подачи запроса на получение информации из общественных архивов (Public Records) и Формой подачи запроса на получение общедоступной  документации (Public Record Request Form).

Là một cơ quan công cộng, Khu Học Chánh North Clackamas (NCSD) cam kết thực hiện nghĩa vụ cung cấp hồ sơ cho công chúng, theo sự bắt buộc của luật tiểu bang (Chương 192 của Bộ Luật Canh Cải Oregon). 

Xin hãy bấm vào các mạch nối bên dưới để xem Tiến Trình Xin Nhận Hồ Sơ Công Cộng và Mẫu Đơn Xin Hồ Sơ Công Cộng.

Public Records Request Process (44 KB)

Public Records Request Form - Revised 6/9/2022 (107 KB)

Spanish - Public Records Request Process (47 KB)

Spanish - Public Records Request Form - Revised 6/9/2022 (107 KB)

Russian - Public Records Request Process (51 KB)

Russian - Public Records Request Form - Revised 6/9/2022 (113 KB)

Vietnamese - Public Records Request Process (55 KB)

Vietnamese - Public Records Request Form - Revised 6-9-22 (124 KB)

How to Request Public Records:

Submit your request with your name, contact information, and a description of the records you are seeking. Please be as specific as possible, and specify if you would like to receive electronic or physical copies. We have prepared a Public Records Request Form that you may use, but it is not required. You may submit your request in any of the following ways:


Postal mail: North Clackamas School District Public Records Officer
12400 SE Freeman Way
Milwaukie, OR 97222

In person: At the above address

What Happens Next

The Public Records Officer will acknowledge your request, usually in writing, within five business days of receiving it. The Public Records Officer will then determine what records exist that are responsive, and determine whether it is necessary to charge to collect them and review for confidential information. You will be provided an estimate of time needed to respond and a written cost estimate (if warranted) as soon as reasonably possible but not later than 10 business days after the date the District is required to acknowledge receipt of the request. Most requests can be completed in a matter of days, but more complex requests can take several weeks or in some cases even longer. If it will take longer than 10 business days to complete your request and provide records, you will be notified and you will receive regular updates. NCSD tries to provide the public with records at no cost when possible. However, the District, as allowed by State law, reserves the right to charge for requests that are time-consuming or require large-scale printing. If fees are charged to complete your request, you may request a waiver or reduction of fees. The Public Records Officer will determine whether to grant your request in accordance with the factors laid out in the Attorney General’s Public Records Manual, and a decision will be made within five business days.

The Public Records Officer is willing to work with you to narrow the scope of a request in order to facilitate processing and reduce or eliminate fees. Subpoenas/Court Orders For subpoenas and court orders, please direct the subpoena or court order to the staff member or school identified in the order. If no staff member or school is identified, please direct the subpoena or court order to NCSD’s Director of Business Operations.


Board Policy – Public Records, KBA

Board Policy – Public Records, KBA-AR