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Healthy & Safe Schools


North Clackamas School District is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for students and staff in all schools and buildings. The Oregon State Legislature passed SB 1062, which requires every school district, education service district, and public charter school to develop a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan (HASS Plan). 

Following is North Clackamas School District’s HASS Plan designed to comply with these requirements and provide a healthy and safe environment in all schools and buildings. 

Responsible Person

The person responsible for administering and implementing the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan:
Name: Samantha Swearingen 
Position Title: Safety & Environmental Health Specialist 
Phone Number: 503.353.6069 
Email Address: 
Mailing Address: 12400 SE Freeman Way, Milwaukie OR 97222 


The person who is the designated Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinator: 

Name: Robert Martinez
Position Title: Director of Facilities Operations 
Phone Number: 503.353.6061 
Email Address: 
Mailing Address: 12449 SE Fuller Rd., Milwaukie OR 97222 

The person responsible for Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) information: 

Name: Robert Martinez

Position Title: Director of Facilities Operations 
Phone Number: 503.353.6061 
Email Address: 
Mailing Address: 12449 SE Fuller Rd., Milwaukie OR 97222 

List of Facilities

All facilities owned or leased by North Clackamas Schools where students or staff are present on a regular basis are covered by this HASS Plan. The list of those buildings and facilities is below:

Adrienne C. Nelson High School
14897 SE Parklane, Happy Valley, OR 97086 
Alder Creek Middle School 
13801 SE Webster Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Ardenwald Elementary School 
8950 SE 36th Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Beatrice Cannady Elementary School 
18031 SE Vogel Road, Happy Valley, OR 97089 
Bilquist Elementary School 
15708 SE Webster Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Clackamas High School 
14486 SE 122nd Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Rock Creek Middle School 
14331 SE 132nd Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Clackamas Middle College 
12021 SE 82nd Ave., Happy Valley, OR 97086 
Clackamas Web Academy 
8740 SE Sunnybrook Blvd, Clackamas, OR 97015 
Happy Valley Middle/Elementary School 
13865 SE King Rd, Happy Valley, OR 97236 
Lewelling Elementary School 
5325 SE Locus Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Linwood / Sojourner Elementary Schools 
11909 Linwood Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Milwaukie El Puente Elementary School 
11250 SE 27th Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Milwaukie Academy of the Arts 
11300 SE 23rd Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Milwaukie High School 
11300 SE 23rd Avenue, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Mt Scott Elementary School 
11201 SE Stevens Rd, Portland, OR 97266 
New Urban High School 
1901 SE Oak Grove Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Oak Grove Center (at NUHS) 
1905 SE Oak Grove Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Oak Grove Elementary School 
2150 SE Torbank Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Oregon Trail Elementary School 
13895 SE 152nd Dr, Clackamas, OR 97015
Rex Putnam High School 
4950 SE Roethe Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 

Riverside Elementary School 
16303 SE River Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 

Rowe Middle School 
3606 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 

Sabin - Schellenberg Center North Campus 
14211 SE Johnson Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Sabin – Schellenberg Center Land Lab 
13021 SE Hubbard Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Sabin - Schellenberg Center South Campus 
14450 SE Johnson Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Scouters Mountain Elementary School 
108111 SE 172nd Ave, Happy Valley, OR 97086 
Spring Mountain Elementary School 
11645 SE Masa Ln, Happy Valley, OR 97236 
Sunnyside Elementary School 
13401 SE 132nd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015 
Verne Duncan Elementary School 
14898 SE Park Lane Dr, Happy Valley, OR 97236 
View Acres Elementary School 
4828 SE View Acres Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Whitcomb Elementary School 
7400 SE Thomson Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Wichita Center for Family & Community 
6031 SE King Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
Administration Building 
12400 SE Freeman Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
District Technology and Information Services 
4444 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
Campbell Center 
11326 SE 47th St, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
District Facility Operations 
12499 SE Fuller Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
District Nutrition Services 
12451 SE Fuller Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222 
District Transportation at Alder Creek MS 
13801 SE Webster Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267 
District Transportation 
15628 SE 102nd, Clackamas, OR 97015 
District Warehouse 
5365 C SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97267 

Elevated Levels of Lead in Water Used for Drinking or Food Preparation

All school districts, education service districts, and public charter schools are required to test for and eliminate exposure to elevated levels of lead in water used for Drinking and Food Preparation through either remediation or eliminating access, according to OAR 333-061-0400and OAR 581-022-2223. In conformance with those administrative rules, North Clackamas School District certifies the following:

1. All testing was done according to the testing requirements in OAR 333-061-0400;

2. All samples were analyzed by a lab accredited by Oregon Health Authority to test for those materials;

3. All water fixtures required to be tested under OAR 333-061-0400 were tested for elevated levels of lead in accordance with the testing schedule developed by the Oregon Health Authority; and

4. The testing schedule for each building covered by this plan is set forth below:

Facility Name 

Year of Last Test (year only) 

Next scheduled test 

(per 6 year schedule) 

Schedule or Exemption Reason 

Administration Building 


FY 2026

6 Year Schedule

District Technology & Information Services 


FY 2026

6 Year Schedule

Campbell Center 


FY 2023

6 Year Schedule

District Facility Operations 


FY 2025

6 Year Schedule

District Nutrition Services 


FY 2025

6 Year Schedule

District Transportation at Alder Creek MS 


FY 2026

6 Year Schedule

District Transportation 


FY 2024

6 Year Schedule

District Warehouse 


FY 2024

6 Year Schedule

Adrienne C. Nelson High School 



6 Year Schedule

Alder Creek Middle School 


FY 2026

6 Year Schedule

District Stadium at ACMS 


FY 2026

6 Year Schedule

Ardenwald Elementary School 


FY 2023

6 Year Schedule

Cannady Elementary School 


FY 2024

6 Year Schedule

Bilquist Elementary School 


FY 2028

6 Year Schedule

Clackamas High School 


FY 2027

6 Year Schedule


Lead Paint

In order to comply with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Rule, the District will only contract with certified lead-based paint renovation contractors licensed by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.


North Clackamas School District complies with the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). All required asbestos management plans are available for viewing by submitting a request to Melinda Shumaker, Director of Facilities Operations.


North Clackamas School District has developed a radon plan as required by ORS 332.167. Community members can access a copy of the radon plan here.

Integrated Pest Management

North Clackamas School District has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan as required by ORS 634.700 through 634.750. Community members can access a copy of the IPM plan here.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

North Clackamas School District certifies that all buildings subject to the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan comply with the carbon monoxide detection standards in the state building code that was in effect when the building was originally constructed or as required by building code due to addition, upgrade, or remodel.

Test Results Publication

North Clackamas School District is complying with the requirement to provide access to test results, as defined by OAR 581-022-2223 within 10 business days as defined by ORS 332-334. Test results can be found on the district website.

Specific test results can be found as follows: 

Lead in Water


Additionally, copies of all test results are available at the District’s administration office at 12400 SE Freeman Way in Milwaukie. North Clackamas School District will also use current district email lists or communications programs such as School Messenger to provide final test results to staff, students, parents of minor students, and other members of their community. This includes providing actual final test results or providing direct access to final test results through links in the communications. Contact information for School Messenger (email, phone and/or text) is received during registration. 

I certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 

Samantha Swearingen Safety & Environmental Health Specialist July 25, 2022

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