In North Clackamas, almost all students who attend a specific group of neighborhood elementary schools eventually attend the same middle school, which then "feeds" into the same high school. That's why we call it a "feeder system!" Although it may vary for students attending one of our fabulous magnet, charter, or dual language immersion schools, it's a great way for us to give you an inside look at each school within one feeder system. This month? It's schools that all eventually feed into Adrienne C. Nelson High School!
Happy Valley 5th Graders Master the Art of Persuasive Writing
In Ms. Petri's 5th-grade class, students are honing their persuasive writing skills. They explored how to craft a compelling topic, take a clear stance, and brainstorm effectively to support their claims.
This wasn't a typical writing lesson— as Ms. Petri's class had special guests: a group of fellow NCSD teachers!
These 3rd-5th grade educators observed the lesson to learn new strategies for teaching writing, hoping to bring fresh ideas back to their own classrooms.
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OBOB Comes to Scouters Mountain Elementary
This year at Scouters Mountain, a new adventure began for the Coyotes as they formed their very first teams for the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB). For many of these 3rd through 5th graders, the challenge is an exciting one—reading a carefully selected list of books and preparing to answer questions about them in a fast-paced competition.
The students have thrown themselves into the task with enthusiasm, often sacrificing their recess time to meet up and quiz each other on the details of their books.
As the date for their first "battle" approaches, there’s a sense of anticipation in the air. The outcome will determine which group of Coyotes will move on to compete in the state competition in Salem, Oregon, this April. It’s an exciting time, and the Coyotes are ready to give it their all!
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Verne Duncan Students Travel the Globe with Passport Club
Can you identify Mozambique on a map? What about Bahrain or Burkina Faso? Those are just some of the countries students in the Passport Club are studying this month.
Fifth grade teacher Brian Pfaff brought the Passport Club to Duncan. Once a month, students to identify as many countries on the list as possible on a blank map.
"The goal is for students to not only study geography, but to also have kids realize that there is a bigger world than just Oregon," said volunteer Michelle Pfaff.
Starting next week, these geography buffs will have a new list of countries to study!
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Beatrice Morrow Cannady Students Dive into Fresh Books
The new calendar year means a new book or series to explore at Beatrice Morrow Cannady Elementary!
The library, run by Media Tech Jennifer McLaughlin, has some fresh new books on the shelf for students to check out.
"Picking out new books is my favorite part of library time," said first grade student Fatima Warraich as she's in line to check out Unicorn and Yeti Friends Rock.
There's a lot that goes into deciding which new books to bring into a school's library. At Cannady,
McLaughlin says she keeps an ongoing wish list of books that students ask for. She also uses resources like Destiny, that makes books suggestions.
McLaughlin adds media techs around the district also work together and ask for recommendations as well.
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Happy Valley Middle Hosts Inspiring Art, Food, Film & Engineering Festival
Happy Valley Middle School held its annual Art, Food, Film, and Engineering Festival! It was a true celebration of creativity, innovation and community.
Students in the Engineering, Arts, and FACS programs showcased what they have been working on this semester while enjoying delicious treats and short films.
Seventh grade engineering student Samantha Walker displayed the game she created titled Clowning Around.
"I really enjoyed showing my creative side when creating my carnival game!" Walker said. "It's fun watching everybody play it."
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Adrienne C. Nelson Students Craft Creative Magnets for National Exchange
ANHS Junior Sophia Leontyuk, Senior Norah Simmons, and Senior Bridgit Szczesniak, along with their classmates have finished up their ceramics projects for the semester!
Students in Linda Kieling's class have been working on a variety of projects this semester, including creating magnets for a nationwide magnet exchange! At least 70 schools from across the country are participating this year.
Magnets that ANHS students contributed include odes to the state of Oregon, and of course the Nelson Hawk.
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Bonus Feature from NCSD's Sabin-Schellenberg Technical Center
Into the Woods: NCSD Students Building Forestry Futures
As a new term of classes begins for NCSD high school students in February, many eager teenagers take notes and contribute to class discussions in warm indoor classrooms…safe from the cold, rainy weather that usually comes during that time of year. Yet for several groups of classmates, the outdoors is their classroom…and they wouldn't want it any other way.
Who are these high-climbing, hands-on high schoolers who happily spend class time trekking along forest pathways, wearing weighted vests, and even harnessing themselves to trees more than 15 feet off the ground?
They're all students in NCSD's unique Forestry Program, one of 17 Career Technical Education study areas offered by the district's one-of-a-kind Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Technical Center (SSC). And they have some advice for students considering a career in the outdoors.