Students Apple-Lutely Love Latest District Partnership
Whenever Milwaukie High School freshman Ari Davis arrives in the cafeteria each day for lunch, she can’t wait to visit with her friends and bite into the day’s fresh food choices.
“I like it when they bring new stuff to the school lunchroom because it changes things up and makes things fun,” said the upbeat ninth grader.
Whether it’s hamburgers, salads, deli sandwiches, or french fries, Davis says her school’s cafeteria always offers up some appetizing options. Or in today’s case…apple-tizing.
“This is the best apple cider I’ve ever had,” said a smiling Davis as she sipped from
today’s newest addition. “I don’t know if it’s the brand, but this is top-notch stuff.”
That “stuff” is Columbia Gorge Organic Apple Cider, and thanks to NCSD’s Nutrition Services Department, enough 11-ounce bottles are coming to all district middle and high school cafeterias to give all 6th-12th graders a free sample of the Oregon-made super cider.
The core of this juicy story stems from an Oregon Department of Education “Farm To School” grant awarded to North Clackamas earlier this year, based on the district adding at least one Oregon-grown product to school lunch trays.
“We were looking at honey; we were looking at nuts,” explained Administrative Assistant Lori Culp, “but with the amount of students that we have, not every company could bring us the amount of product that we needed.”
That’s when Hood River Organics, the makers of the Columbia Gorge cider, became the apple of the district’s eye.
“They really outsourced themselves to be able to do this for us,” said an excited Culp. “They’re committed to delivering about 9,000 bottles of cider for our students in middle and high school, and they’re making this fresh for our students the week before it comes to our schools, and our kids love them.”
Students like Davis couldn’t agree more. “I’m totally honest; it’s really good. It tastes like apple
juice but better.”
Culp says the story gets even sweeter. “After middle and high schools, we’ll even have enough to take to some of our elementary schools. We’ll have a lot of happy kids because of this product, so this has been a great success.”
A success story in which everyone leaves the cafeteria apple-y ever after.