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Integrated Pest Management Program

North Clackamas School District's implementation of new state law (SB637)requirements for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) this school year. The district’s operations department will need to facilitate the treatment of pests and weeds at some point during the school year with low impact applications. Prior to treatment, we will be posting related notification in advance to communicate with the community, staff and students.

The new law stipulates strategies that align with our past practice: preventative approaches and suppression of pest problems in and around schools through safe, economically sound measures. Examples of pests are ants, wasps, or hazardous weeds. The routine use of pesticides to remedy these pests is not allowed. When pest thresholds exceed the established limits and non chemical pest control measures are deemed unsuccessful, low impact pesticide applications will be considered and or applied as a last measure. 

Under SB-637; only licensed pesticide/herbicide applicators are permitted to perform this work in and around schools. Western Exterminator will be working on behalf of the district with the responsibly for these treatments as needed.

We are required to post notice of planned treatments 24 hours in advance, and to leave the notice up until 48 hours after a pesticide is applied on site. If pest conditions dictate immediate attention, the 24 hour notification will be waived and the posting will take place at the time of application. Pesticide notifications will be posted at the school's main entrance or office doors, and also at the area being treated inside the school or school grounds. The treatment process is no different than what we have done in the past. 

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program Date: 6/1/19

Program Objectives:

-The Pesticide management and applications process employed by the North Clackamas School District shall be weighted on the premise of utilizing low impact/reduced risk means for treatment of pest control.

-The program shall include routine monitoring and scheduled inspections to detect pests, associated damages from pests, and unsanctioned pesticide deployment.

-This IPM program will ensure the required communication, staff training and record keeping be maintained at the District and building levels.

Annual IPM Notification Letter 23/24