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Work Order System

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Welcome to the Ticketing System, Incident IQ

Log in to Incident IQ to Submit A ticket 

How to have a profile created, to use the Incident IQ System:

·         Have your Administrator e-mail Alexandra Dulmage with their approval to add a new user (The only employees designated to have Ticketing access will be the Head Custodian, Head Administrative Assistant and Athletics Secretary at each site unless a special circumstance arises)

·         Include the employees official NCSD email and their title.

·         Once the new user is setup, the employee will receive a separate e-mail with instructions.


What are Tickets?

These are requests submitted by sites for maintenance and include, but are not limited to, grounds, badging/security, fire systems, plumbing, carpentry, locksmith, electrical, and any HVAC issues your site has. These issues are then handled by Facility Operations as soon as we are able to take them on.


Who can have access to Incident IQ?

Head Administrative Assistants, Head Custodians, and Athletics Secretaries (High Schools Only).

They will also be the ones to submit Incident Reports through Origami (contact Mike Reilly if you have questions regarding this program)

Sites must submit their OWN Tickets for tracking problems. Please communicate with your site, or the site where the problem is located, and have appropriate staff submit the request.



Incident IQ Training

When you are added to the system you will receive a welcome email and a link to a slideshow that details step by step how to submit Tickets and navigate the site. If you have any further questions, you can always reach out to Alexandra Dulmage at Facility Operations for assistance.


Avoiding Duplicate Tickets

Please make sure your team is working together when it comes to Ticket submission to avoid duplicates. Duplicates slow down our process and our ability to get work on the schedule.


How can I let my team know a ticket has been submitted?

You can add people to Tickets you submit as a Follower so they can receive updates. Please limit this to only people that need to know what is going on as they will receive updates every time a Ticket is changed in any way. It’s best if your site comes up with a game plan regarding Followers and who should be added if anyone.


How can I check the status of a Ticket or let the Technician know if I made a mistake?

All Tickets, once submitted, have a comment box in the ticket itself. This is where you can make an amendment (Example: fix an incorrect room number) or ask the technician for a status update. When they respond you will get an email notification and the response will appear in the Ticket.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT call Facility Operations technicians or contractors directly, or direct them to fix anything they do not have a work order for, while they are on site. This is causing extremely problematic issues and expenses as well as a large amount of confusion and lost time.

PLEASE DO NOT REACH OUT TO FACILITY OPERATIONS TECHNICIANS DIRECTLY. They will respond via the ticket as soon as they are able.


How much detail should I put in the Ticket description box?

Please provide as MUCH detail on the work order as possible. We need to know rooms, locations, type of issue, details about what happened or what is going on, size of broken windows (also if they are double or single pane), unit numbers of HVAC systems having problems, etc. This way our technicians know what they need to be prepared for and our contractors have detailed information about the job.

Can I, or other staff members, schedule a contractor to do work at my site?


This is a liability issue as all contractors must have up to date insurance on file with the district to be on site, the work must be approved, a PO needs to be in place for the work, and the District has designated contractors who work with NCSD.


What if I have an emergency!

First, if you need to get to safety get to safety!

Once you are safe call the front desk of Facility Operations at 503-353-6057 to report the emergency (Burst Pipe, Fire, Smoke, Etc.). 

DO NOT CALL our technicians.

Once everything is safe and you are able to do so please submit a Ticket describing what happened and an Incident Report through Origami if necessary (Vandalism/Property Loss)


Some things may fall under the Technology Department, eventually Technology will also be utilizing Incident IQ for requests but at the moment they are still using Help Desk so please submit Technology requests there.

Here are some examples of what should be submitted, as a HelpDesk Ticket, for Technology:  

Certain PA systems 

Front Door Intercom

Security Cameras

Internet/Ethernet Connections/Cables/Ports


Phones/Phone Jacks

Printers (if the printer stops working or someone's badge does not work on the printer)





Technology Help Desk