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TSPC and Board License Renewal Process

As a part of your professional responsibility, you are required to obtain and renew your license prior to the expiration date. If your license lapses then it could result in a required meeting and/or unpaid time off until it is issued. A license relevant to your position must be maintained.

**Please note that some NCSD staff may hold a TSPC and a State Board license.**

  • Administrators, School Counselors, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, and Teachers are licensed through TSPC.
  • Physical Therapists (PT), Registered Nurses (RN), Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Speech Language Pathologist Assistants (SLP-A), and Occupational Therapists (OT) are licensed by their respective state Boards. Please see below for links to the appropriate state board website.

TSPC may take up to 6 weeks to issue a license renewal, please keep this in mind when submitting a new application. TSPC is only available via email

** If you have any additional questions related to the renewal of a license or certification, please send an email to