High School Summer School Programs
You Can Still Sign Up for HS Summer School!
The North Clackamas School District is pleased to offer a Summer School program with rich opportunities for high school students to engage in coursework to earn credits required for their high school diplomas.
If you still need to sign up for the High School Summer School program at Schellenberg, there is still time! Come directly to the Schellenberg campus at 14450 SE Johnson Road, Milwaukie, OR 97267. We are at the South campus, which is the school with the parking lot in the front.
The Summer School Office is open from 8AM to 3:30 PM to help students get registered for the classes they need. Call 503-353-5419 if you have any questions.
We look forward to serving lots of kids this year in Summer School!
Schedule Overview
Session 1: 10 days
Session 2: 10 days
2023 Summer School Application
View or download the application form to see available classes.
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If you have any questions, please contact Aeylin Summers, NCSD Summer School Administrator, at 503-353-6141 or summersae@nclack.k12.or.us.
Program Information
For students who need to recover credits they have previously failed to earn, ALL credits in the summer program apply toward graduation requirements.
The summer program provides short and intensive instruction and support. We want all students to be successful! To support student focus and learning, students will be expected to follow these policies:
- Absences: There are no EXCUSED or UNEXCUSED absences in Summer School. A student can miss no more than one class in a session to still earn the credit. Students sent home for any disciplinary action are considered absent for that day.
- Tardies: A student will be considered tardy if s/he arrives up to 10 minutes late for any class. More than one tardy will result in disciplinary action including possible removal of the class.
Discipline: Discipline issues may result in a student being released from the program. Depending on circumstances, disciplinary notes will be recorded on the student’s regular school file.
Bus Transportation and Meals
Bus transportation to Sabin-Schellenberg is provided from each the district’s four neighborhood high schools (Clackamas, Milwaukie, Adrienne C. Nelson, and Rex Putnam) according to the following schedule:
Morning classes — students need to be at their home high school by 7:30 a.m.
Afternoon classes — students need to be at their home high school by 11 a.m.
All buses leave Sabin-Schellenberg by 3:20 p.m. each day to return students to their home high school.
FREE breakfast and/or lunch will be provided to ALL students.