Nutrition Services
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Our Mission
North Clackamas Nutrition Services fuel body and mind of all students for success.
Provide a positive experience and an inviting, inclusive environment.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
- Meals at no cost for all NCSD students
- Student Fee Waiver Form
- 2024-2025 Meal Prices
- Pay for Meals Online
- Menu
- Meal Account Refund/Transfer/Donation
- Allergy/Special Diet Request
- Kitchen Use Request
- Meal Charge Policy
- Summer Food
- USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Meal Accommodation Statement
Meals at no cost for all NCSD students
We are pleased to announce that starting in September 2024, all North Clackamas School
District students who attend a school that serves breakfast and lunch may receive
breakfast and lunch at no cost. This amazing news is thanks to the expansion
of the National School Lunch Program's Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP) in
What does this mean for you and your children?
● Families will no longer need to complete an application to receive free or
reduced-price meals.
● Elementary schools will only collect meal money for stand-alone milk
● Middle and high schools will only collect meal money for a la carte
purchases not part of a full breakfast or lunch purchase or for purchases of
a second meal.
If you need a letter that explains your student is eligible to receive school meals at no cost, please contact your Nutrition Services Team at 503-353-6034 or email, we will be happy to provide a copy of the letter.
Student Fee Waiver Form
Student Fee Waiver Form
North Clackamas School District (NCSD) is committed to ensuring that all students have access to all extracurricular opportunities. The district is offering fee waivers to families that meet specific ODE income guidelines.
Previously, fee waivers were based on eligibility for Free or Reduced Meals. With all NCSD schools now qualifying for breakfast and lunch at no cost under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), we no longer can collect applications for free and reduced meals.
If your family meets or falls below the criteria listed in the chart shown, please complete and submit the online waiver form below. You can also download the fillable PDF form and submit it to your school.
Income Chart - Effective from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
Household Size |
Annual |
Monthly |
Twice Per Month |
Every Two Weeks |
Weekly |
1 |
$27,861 |
$2,322 |
$1,161 |
$1,072 |
$536 |
2 |
$37,814 |
$3,152 |
$1,575 |
$1,455 |
$728 |
3 |
$47,767 |
$3,981 |
$1,991 |
$1,838 |
$919 |
4 |
$57,720 |
$4,810 |
$2,405 |
$2,220 |
$1,110 |
5 |
$67,673 |
$5,640 |
$2,820 |
$2,603 |
$1,302 |
6 |
$77,626 |
$6,469 |
$3,235 |
$2,986 |
$1,493 |
7 |
$87,579 |
$7,299 |
$3,650 |
$3,369 |
$1,685 |
8 |
$97,532 |
$8,128 |
$4,064 |
$3,752 |
$1,876 |
For each additional household member add: |
$9,953 |
$830 |
$415 |
$383 |
$192 |
Please note: This fee waiver authorizes the North Clackamas School District to share information with our schools solely for the purpose of waiving fees.This form is for internal use only and should not be shared with external parties.
When filling out this form, I certify the following: 1) our family income meets or falls below the criteria stated above, 2) that all information provided is accurate, and 3) that I understand that the District reserves the right to verify any submitted information, including family income.
2024-25 Student Fee Reduction Form
Adrienne C. Nelson High School
2024-2025 Meal Prices
All North Clackamas School District schools qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2024-2025 school year. Therefore, All Students may receive one breakfast and one lunch (including milk) each school day at no cost.
All students may purchase milk individually for $.50. Only complete meals are offered at no charge.
Elementary school students are not offered second meals or a la carte Smart Snack and beverage purchases.
Secondary school students may purchase additional breakfasts for $2.95 and lunches for $4.50.
Secondary school students may purchase a variety of Smart Snacks and beverages.
Adults may purchase breakfast for $3.10 and lunch for $4.90.
Students and adults cannot charge their accounts into a negative balance for any item except for one milk per meal per day.
Cash and checks can be deposited at schools to prepay for milk, additional meals, or a la carte purchases.
Your LinqConnect account can be used to make deposits online to prepay for milk, additional meals, or a la carte purchases.
Please note that receipts are not issued for Nutrition Services transactions made directly at our schools. No change or cash back will be provided.
Pay for Meals Online
To make an online payment to your student's meal account, follow this link: LINQ Connect
To set up your LINQ Connect account, see Supporting Documents below.
If you are having trouble logging into your LINQ Connect account, please contact or 1-844-467-4700.
Please note that receipts are not issued for Nutrition Service Transactions made directly in our schools. No change or cash back will be provided.
Elementary Menus
- September Menu 2024
- October Menu 2024
- November Menu 2024
- December Menu 2024
- January Menu 2025
- February Menu 2025
September Menu 2024
*Can't see the full menu? Turn your phone 90º
Elementary Menu September 2024
Breakfast Entrees Served Daily:
Lunch Entrees Served Daily:
Printable PDF Menus
English Elementary Menu - September 2024
Translated september 2024 Elementary Menu - Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, & Chinese
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
October Menu 2024
*Can't see the full menu? Turn your phone 90º
Elementary Menu October 2024
Breakfast Entrees Served Daily:
Breakfast Entrees Served Weekly
Lunch Entrees Served Daily:
November Menu 2024
*Can't see the full menu? Turn your phone 90º
Elementary Menu November 2024
Breakfast Entrees Served Daily:
Breakfast Entrees Served Weekly
Lunch Entrees Served Daily:
December Menu 2024
*Can't see the full menu? Turn your phone 90º
Elementary Menu December 2024
January Menu 2025
*Can't see the full menu? Turn your phone 90º
Elementary Menu January 2025
Winter Break - School not in session
Printable PDF Menus:
January Menu 2025 - Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese
February Menu 2025
Elementary Menu February 2025
Breakfast Entrees Served Daily:
Lunch Entrees Served Daily:
Lunch Entrees Served the Week of February 10 through 14
All lunches include a choice of fruit, vegetables, & milk.
February Elementary Menu - Printable PDF
February Elementary menu - english pdf
february elementary menu - spanish, russian, vietnamese, & chinese pdf
Interactive School Menus with Nutritional and Allergen Information
Meal Account Refund/Transfer/Donation
To receive a refund from your student's meal account, please submit a completed Student Meal Account Refund Request Form, (available below). Please note that only the listed parent or guardian on the student's meal account will be granted a refund. The refund request form is below.
Refunds may take up to 4 weeks to process.
If you would like to transfer a meal account balance from one student to another, please utilize your LINQ Connect. You will need to have your student's ID number. You can get your student's ID number by contacting your school directly.
If you would like to donate your remaining balance to help those with a negative balance please email to make the donation.
Allergy/Special Diet Request
Federal regulations require Child Nutrition Programs Sponsors to offer to all participants’ breakfasts, lunches, suppers, snacks, and milk that meet the meal requirements identified in the individual program regulations. Federal regulations further require Sponsors to make substitutions to the standard meal requirements for participants who are considered disabled and whose disability restricts their diet. A Sponsor may, at its discretion, make substitutions for individual participants who are not "disabled persons" but are unable to consume a food item because of medical or other special dietary needs. Below are forms, resources, and guidance to be used for special dietary needs.
Medical statement forms for medical participants with disabilities can be found below or on the Oregon Department of Education CNP Special Dietary Needs Form Page.
Medical Statement Participants with Disabilities (see forms below)
Part I: Write your child's name
Part II: This section can only be completed by your child's physician
Every section must be completed:
Does the disability restrict the patient's diet? Yes or No
If Yes, list how
Foods to be omitted from diet
Foods to be substituted
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations - English
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations - Russian
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations - Simplified Chinese
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations - Spanish
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations - Vietnamese
Kitchen Use Request
Use of Kitchen Requests
Groups requesting the use of a kitchen must complete the attached Kitchen Use Application.
The Kitchen Use Application is completed and submitted to the building Principal. These requests are reviewed and approved or denied by the building principal.
Please refer any further questions to Greg Collins at the Nutrition Services Department at 503-353-6068.
Meal Charge Policy
A letter explaining your SNAP benefits will be sent to you by email. If you do not receive a letter confirming your SNAP benefit eligibility status, please contact:
- Families qualifying for SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR benefits receive a NCSD Direct Certification approval letter. If a confirmation letter is not received or students are missing in the notification, please call the North Clackamas School District Helpline at 503.353.6034 or email
Access to Meals
According to Oregon law, any student who requests a meal shall receive a meal.
North Clackamas School District students who attend a school that serves breakfast and lunch may receive both a breakfast and lunch at no cost thanks to the expansion of the National School Lunch Program's Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP) in Oregon.
Oregon law specifies that when a student requests a meal during meal service, they shall receive a meal regardless of the ability to pay. For clarification purposes, the cost or balances of meals are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
- Due to provisions current laws, the school district is unable to establish a charging limit for students requesting complete meals.
- Nutrition Services does not provide alternative meals to students that have a charging limit imposed by the parent or guardian or have a negative balance on their meal account.
Account Management and Collection of Delinquent Debt
The school district allows for the prepayment of meals directly at the school or online using the LINQ Connect.
- School office staff are able to receive cash or check payments for student meal accounts. No change can be provided. Meal prices are posted on our menus, our district website, and the Nutrislice Menu mobile application.
- The online account management service, LINQ Connect enables management of student accounts online. Features include transaction history, online payments, auto-payments, payment reminders, low balance warnings and more. This tool is a voluntary option for families and a service charge will apply for online payment processing.
Handling of Delinquent Debt
When a payment is overdue or when funds are not present to cover the cost of a meal that has been served and charged on a student’s meal account, the monetary credit extended is considered delinquent debt. The North Clackamas School District will pursue efforts to collect unpaid meal charges or delinquent debts.
- Negative Balance Notifications – The district initiates an automated phone call to households every week notifying of balances owed on the student meal accounts.
- Email notifications are also sent during the school year.
End of Year Student Account Balances
All student meal account balances (positive and negative), automatically to the next school year. If a student(s) has funds and no longer attends North Clackamas School District, families can:
- Request in writing the funds be donated to Nutrition Services to help other families with negative balances. To submit a request, send an email to
- Request a refund check on our website at: Meal Account Refund Request Form. NOTE: Refund checks may take up to 4-6 weeks to process.
- Request in writing the funds be transferred to a sibling’s student meal account. To submit a request, send an email to
- NOTE: Funds that have not been used for two (2) consecutive school years are considered inactive accounts and money is sent to the State of Oregon as unclaimed property.
On August 8th, 2017 House Bill 3454 into law. The bill outlines practices and communication that are not allowed in Oregon school cafeterias. The law is intended to reduce or remove practices and communications that have been deemed as “shaming” to students regarding the collection of funds in exchange for meals or identification of balances for unpaid meals. Key points of the bill include:
- Must provide written permission to withhold meal from student or establish a charging limit.
- The school district shall contact households to determine Free or Reduced-price eligibility; repeat contact if owing more than five (5) meals. Offer assistance in completing Free or Reduced-price meal applications.
- Not publicly identify who cannot pay for or owes money for
- Not serve an alternative meal to a student who cannot pay.
- Shall communicate about monies owed to parent or guardian and not students.
- May not assess fees related to agencies to parent or guardian.
Current impacts of this bill include an increased balance of unpaid meal charges for students of all income categories. For the specific language of the bill, click here.
For any information or questions, please call the Free and Reduced Helpline at 503-353-6034 or email
Summer Food
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- Mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
- Email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Meal Accommodation Statement
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the North Clackamas School District or where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.