Special Education Acronyms
Special Education uses many acronyms; please see the document below for a list of commonly used acronyms.
AAC | Alternative Augmentative Communication
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASL | American Sign Language
AT | Assistive Technology
ATP | Adult Transition Program
BSP | Behavior Support Plan
CBA | Curriculum Based Assessment
CC | Closed Captioning
CD | Communication Disorder
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant
DB | Deaf-Blind
DD | Developmental Delay
DIBELS | Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
ECSE | Early Childhood Special Education
EBD | Emotional Behavior Disability
EI | Early Intervention
ESY | Extended School Year
FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education
FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
GE | General Education
HI | Hearing Impaired
IAES | Interim Alternative Educational Setting
ID | Intellectual Disability
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEE | Independent Educational Evaluation
IEP | Individualized Education Plan
LEA | Local Education Area
LEEP | Life Enrichment Education Program
LEP | Limited English Proficiency
LPTA | Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment
MDR | Manifestation Determination Review
MTSS | Multi-Tiered System of Supports
OHI | Other Health Impairment
OI | Orthopedic Impairment
OT | Occupational Therapist
PBS | Positive Behavioral Supports
PLAAFP | Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
PT | Physical Therapist
RTI | Response to Intervention
SE | Special Education
SLC | Structured Learning Center
SLD | Specific Learning Disability
SLP | Speech-Language Pathologist
SLPA | Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant
SDI | Specially Designed Instruction
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury
TLC | Transitional Learning Center
VI | Visual Impairment
VR | Vocational Rehabilitation