Native American/Alaska Native Community
Welcome to the NCSD Native American & Alaska Native Student Services Program. Our program is funded in part by the Title VI Indian Education Grant for those students with evidence of Native American or Alaska Native descent. The purpose of the Title VI Indian Education Grant is to provide supplementary educational and cultural support to students of documented Native ancestry to improve their academic success. Our program provides cultural education to connect students with their Native history, cultures, and traditions, instilling pride and confidence to achieve challenging academic standards. Our program operates with guidance from the Title VI grant and our focus is on three major goal areas:
Improved Academic Achievement
- Increased Student Retention
- Increased Native Cultural Connections
Enrollment in the Native American/Alaska Native Title VI program is not automatic at the time of school enrollment. A ED 506 Form and tribal citizenship card documentation of the student must be on file in the NCSD Administration office in order for a student to be enrolled in the Title VI program. Federal funds allotted to our district are based on the number of enrolled Native American/Alaska Native students in the Title VI program. Approximately 105 NCSD pre-K – Grade 12 students of documented Native American/Alaska Native ancestry are currently enrolled.
Through the funding provided by the Title VI grant, our program provides funding for supplemental programs for Native American and Alaska Native students enrolled in NCSD. Among the program offerings are:
- Tutoring Program
- Cultural presentations
- Cultural enrichment days
- Back-to-School Supplies & Backpack Distribution
- Community services and resources information
- Higher education and scholarship Information
- Liaison for school/ student/ parent communication
- Liaison for tribal sponsored contests and awards recognition
Student must:
- be enrolled in an NCSD school or contracted program
- meet federal eligibility requirements (student, parent, or grandparent enrolled in a state or federally recognized Tribe/Band/Nation)
Parent/Guardian must:
- complete an ED 506 Form of Indian Student Eligibility Certification
- mail form to Cheryl Shane, Rowe Middle School, 3606 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222
- or email the form to Cheryl Shane
Throughout the school year, parents and guardians of the Native student community meet to connect with one another and collaborate for any cultural events the group would like to plan.
The Native Parent Advisory meetings will be held from 6 pm to 7 pm on the following dates:
- December 2023 (Virtual) TBD
- February 2024 (Virtual) TBD
- April 2024 (Virtual) TBD
- May 2024 (Virtual) TBD
Visit our Facebook Page Indian Student Eligibility Certification 506 Form for Title VI
Cheryl Shane
Native American/Alaska Native Student & Community Engagement Specialist
(503) 353-5733