Students Module
Add New Student or Verify Current Student Data
Additional Student Information
Emergency Contact Relationships
Transportation: Unscheduled School Closure
Add New Student or Verify Current Student Data
Press the Add New Student button on the home page of the Students module to enroll a new student who has never attended an NCSD school before. You can add multiple new students as part of the same online registration.
Press Edit to verify or update a current student's data.
Student Demographics
REMINDER: It is important to use standard capitalization rules throughout this module. For example, use Michael Miller rather than all capital letters (MICHAEL MILLER) or all lowercase letters (michael miller).
Required student demographic fields are flagged with a red asterisk.
No Middle Name: Check this box if your student does not have a middle name. You can then leave the Middle Name field blank.
Entering Grade: You will receive an error if you choose a grade that does not match the student's age (as determined by the birth date).
Primary Parent for Student Address: Choose the parent/guardian whose home address matches the student's address. If the student lives at multiple addresses, choose the parent/guardian at whose address the student most often resides.
Student Contact Information
Enter at least the primary PARENT/GUARDIAN contact phone for the student and click the primary box. Enter any additional phone numbers (e.g. student cell phone) for the student by clicking on the Add New button.
Additional Student Information
Enter all relevant information for the student.
NCSD translates correspondence into English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Russian. Please choose 1 of these 4 languages.
The question on this page is used to determine whether the student may be eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. If you answer Yes, District staff will contact you after your student's registration is accepted.
Parent/Guardian Relationships
Relationship: Indicate the relationship each parent/guardian has with the student whose name is shown at the top of the page.
To enable the school to contact each parent/guardian appropriately, carefully read the definitions at the bottom of the page, then check ALL appropriate boxes for each parent/guardian.
Note: If there are current custody, legal restrictions or restraining orders pertaining to the student, please submit a copy of the order to the school.
Emergency Contact Relationships
Relationship: Indicate the relationship each emergency contact has with the student whose name is shown at the top of the page.
By providing a name as an emergency contact on this page, you are authorizing that person to pick up your student at school if you cannot be reached.
Emergency Contact Order
Drag and drop the names of the parents/guardians and emergency contacts into the order in which they should be contacted in the event of an emergency.
In instances when the school is unable to contact the parents/guardians during an emergency, the school will call the Emergency Contacts.
Ethnicity and Race
This information is required by the Federal Government and is used for data analysis and reporting purposes.
You must choose an ethnicity from the dropdown and check one or more races.
If the student, parent, or grandparent is a member of a U.S. Federally recognized American Indian tribe, please choose a Tribal Community and enter the student’s Tribal Enrollment Number.
Special Services
Please provide information about your student's history with any of the following services or programs: Section 504 Plan, Special Education/Individualized Education Program (IEP), Speech Therapy, and Talented and Gifted/Accelerated.
Answering Yes may cause additional questions to appear. To enable the school to provide the appropriate services to your student, answer each question as accurately as possible.
If you answer Yes to "Does the student have a current IEP?" you will be asked to provide a copy of the IEP to your student's school.
School Selection
Based on the home address entered, the school will automatically populate. Click here to search the school boundary database.
Previous Schools Attended
To provide a background on your student’s academic history, enter the name of the last school your student attended along with city/state, the last grade attended and school contact number. This will enable NCSD to acquire your student's educational records.
If you enter a School Name, the following fields become required: City, State, Grade, and School Year Attended. If Country is selected, State can remain blank, to allow for foreign schools.
Health Information
Enter Physician, Preferred Hospital, and Dentist information below.
Health Conditions
This page collects information about your student's health conditions of which the school should be aware.
Check "Student has no health conditions" if applicable, or press the Add New Condition button to add one or more health conditions.
If your currently enrolled student has health conditions listed, please review them and add any additions, updates or deletions in the Health Conditions box at the bottom. This information will be shared with the District's nurses.
Enter any medications the student takes at home or at school. In order to comply with ORS 339.867-339.870 and OAR 581-021-0037, a copy of the Medication Assistance Form must be completed for each medication (both prescription and non-prescription) administered at school. Please turn the form(s) into your school office.
Enter the dates of your student's immunizations in the order they were received (beginning with the oldest on the left in the DOSE 1 column). Use the tab key to move from field to field. Entering accurate data will enable the enrolling school to process your registration promptly.
The Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form is a required form for enrollment. Complete, print and sign the form. Set aside for scanning and uploading into Online Registration or deliver it to your student’s school prior to their first day.
Language Use Survey
The purpose of the Language Use Survey is to help the school determine if your child qualifies for additional Title III supports in language instruction for English learners.
Transportation: Unscheduled School Closure
In the event of an unscheduled, non-emergency school closure such as early dismissal due to snow, you authorize the school to send your student home using one of the following options. Choose ONLY 1 option for the student.
If your student qualifies for General Education transportation, they will be routed to their home address. If your student needs to be routed to an alternate address, please click here.
Click the checkbox to accept the NCSD Permissions and Authorizations.
You must review and acknowledge the NCSD Student and Family Handbook on this page before submitting your online registration. It contains important information about District policies.
Click the View link to open the document for review and downloading. After reviewing the document, check the box.